28 Random Thoughts From a 28 Year Old on the 28th Day
1. Why is it that I meet someone "perfect" whenever I am already involved ?
2. With that being said...Why is it so hard to end a relationship when I know I am unhappy ?
3. Why am I attracted to older women ?
4. Why did I steal this Blog idea from Rob Mack ??
5. Why do certain "Africans" not know how to act in Corporate America ?
6. Why do certain "Africans" not know how to dress for Corporate America ?
7. Are Flip Flops acceptable for Corporate America ?
8. Where in the hell did "she" find a size 14 women's flip flop ?!?!
9. Why am I really starting to "feel" Track Star...(see "Why are these Bitches so Nosey??")
10. Why do I check Blah Blah Blah's blog 15 times a day ?
11. Why did I feel obligated to post a blog today ?
12. How long does it take to figure out this entire Blog thing (so far I can only post and comment) ??
13. If I say I am going to call you back in 15 minutes....please give me at least 10 minutes before you call me back.
14. Why is it that when I talk to a dude whose voice is deeper than mine I try to make mine deeper ?
15. Why did my mom tell me back in the day "If she can't use my comb dont' bring her home" (no offense Mom..I am not trying to have some nappy headed chick coming to the crib using your big afro comb... where my ladies with the "good hair" at ??)
16. How many women still use combs anyway ?
17. Will I have a nervous breakdown when I hit 30 ?
18. Do not tell me your business...I do not want to know.
19. If at one time you did tell me your business and it got out dont ASS-U-ME that I told it.....Bitch you know you told everyone else...you know what happens when we assume things. Feelings get hurt, toes stepped on, all that 'ol stuff.
20. Why does my family only call me with bad news ?
21. How did I escape having a Southern accent... 23years in "The Sip"..no one can tell.
22. I will keep reciprocation alive !! remember that..(I know you are reading this)
23. I agree with Rob Mack... by all means Chicago area "fun boys" be gay and proud of it...Rob you cover the South and I'll handle the ladies up North.
24. Why do I not go into the city more ?
25. I believe I will go looking for some "scattered ass" this weekend (plenty of protection + random chick + alcohol = scattered ass)
26. With those ass whoopings she was taking..How in the hell did Tina think Ike still loved her. (what part of the relationship is that)
27. Why in the hell would you leave home to use the restroom at work ?...this is something that I will never understand...Handle that shit (literally) before you leave home.
28. Where did the Summer go ?! I missed it =-(
Have a good weekend everyone...Keep The Dream Alive RECIPROCATE !!
LMAO @ number 25.
That is my personal favorite also...should have been #1
ditto #25! I LOVED THE WHOLE THING - but 25 is my personal fav too!!
"7. Are Flip Flops acceptable for Corporate America ?"...when i drop off my laptop to "blue" on tuesday...that's what your boy will be rockin'...and my Braves hat backwudz (backwards)...
Good Hair Checking IN!!!!!
#7...why i got a coworker here doing that....damn black folks...
Good hair checking in
Why you checking for me yo? :-)
How you had a great weekend...and more than likely...he's got a better response had I been in some A/C....then again......
....why does he get to question me but I can't ask him 1 question?
*lips all twisted...looking at this situation all sideways and whatnot*
Love your list *snicker* needed a smile....
To Rob Mack...Better late than never ...you are right I really need to frequent the city more... and I got to make the most of this 1 month of Summer left.
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