Wednesday, August 16, 2006

?? What If Wednesday ??

On top of the last blog I have a couple of "What If" questions for ya'll...

1. What if you were a porn star ?? What would your name be ?? I am going to "borrow" (damn I am "borrowing" a lot of stuff lately) Buck Naked...this was the name George used on Seinfield.

2. What if I tried to get on a commercial flight with a jumbo tub of Vaseline Intensive care lotion, a bag of Trac Phones (cell phones), and a Hawaiian Punch. Would I be considered a terrorist threat ??

3. What if the South would have won the Civil War ?? Would that not have beem some shit, what would 50cent and Flava Flav be doing ??

4. What if you shared a problem with someone and their response was "I don't have a solution, but I admire your problem"...would you be tempted to smack their mother for giving birth to such a smart assed child ??

5. What if you got a paper cut from a Get Well Card ??

6. What if all of the teams in the NFL go 8-8 this season ??

7. What if someone suffering from amnesia was cured ?? Would they remember what they forgot??

8. What if a fat person went skinny dipping ??

9. What if the Hokey-Pokey is really "what it's all about" ??

10. Lastly ya'll for my What If Wednesday (drum roll please)..... What if Wiley Coyote didn't buy all of that cheap ass ACME stuff....could he have just went out and purchased dinner ??

You can see what kind of day I am having...enjoy yours !! 1


At 11:06 AM, Blogger NegroPino™ said...

AW u did it again....I only have an answer for 1 question because that one pertained to here goes

1. Pecan
2. Delight/ful
3. Pocahantas

At 12:39 PM, Blogger 1InTheSame said...

To Missy...I am curious about pecan (hmmm)..I personally like Pocahantas.

At 10:59 AM, Blogger NegroPino™ said...

Cuz im BUtter Pecan i was thinking of that Raekwon song "ICE CREAM"......
PPL always tell me i remind them of POCAHONTAS so i said if i ever danced i would make that my stage name come out in a sheepskin thong and some mocassins

At 2:50 PM, Blogger DivineLavender said...

First off...I am a porn star!

I don't even have to choose something corny...

Sally Squirter! He He He...LMAO


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